The Piacentiniano Center is the outcome of the overall redesign of the former fair of Sant`Alessandro following a competition won by engineer Giuseppe Quaroni and arch. Marcello Piacentini in 1907. In the following decades, public buildings and monumental spaces were built in the new center of the modern city.

Discover the stunning Città Bassa of Bergamo and the Piacentini Center. Take a walk/ride along the Sentierone, the heart of the city. Admire Dante Square, the Donizetti Theater, and the majestic Tower of the Fallen. Visit the historic churches of SS. Bartolomeo and Stefano, Holy Spirit, and Santa Maria Immacolata delle Grazie. Explore the picturesque villages of Pignolo and San Leonardo. Immerse yourself in the art and history of this ascinating Lombard city.

Enjoy your ride!