Brescia Castle is one of the most fascinating fortified complexes in Italy and the second largest in Europe. Also striking is the fact that the insignia of different rulers can still be seen. The Prisoners’ Tower, for example, testifies to Visconti rule, while the massive ramparts reflect the power of the Serenissima. The oil warehouses date back to Roman times, there are medieval buildings and a locomotive from 1909.

The Abba and Urago Mella neighbourhoods developed in the 1960s to accommodate the many workers of the Brescia factories. From the urban expansions, the first hills were preserved, which are now part of the Brescia Hills Park. To the north, on the mounts Picastello and Ratto you can visit the defensive lines, the old fort and Villa Torricella, to the south, on mount Sant’Anna you can hike to the Sant’Anna forest from which there is a beautiful view of Brescia. Also not to be missed are the church of S. Emiliano , the ancient caldera on the Mella River and the Ziletti Barattieri Villa with Park.

Enjoy your ride!