The Church of San Fermo e Rustico dates back to the 8th-9th century and features a type of bell tower that is quite rare in Italy: centrally positioned on the main façade. The high bell tower, disproportionate to the small church, is relieved by three orders of elegant double lancet windows. The interior is a single wing, divided into two bays and with a semi-polygonal apse.

The perfect place for hiking, walking and cycling along nature trails, Credaro also offers interesting attractions such as the nearby medieval castle of Trebecco and the Montecchio castle transformed into a villa at the end of the 18th century by the neoclassical architect Pollak. Art lovers can visit the Church of San Fermo and Rustico, with its Romanesque-Gothic façade, and the Church of San Giorgio, known for its frescoes by the famous painter Lorenzo Lotto.

Enjoy your ride!