In the heart of Valcalepio lies the Grumello Castle, built around 1200 as a military fortress. It later became an aristocratic residence. Today, you can still see the tower with Guelph battlements, the knights’ hall, and some cellars. The house and chapel date back to the 1700s. The Castle is open to the public, but advance booking is required.

Grumello del Monte is a charming hilltop village whose name derives from the Latin word ‘grumus’, meaning hill. The historical core of the village is characterised by the old buildings made of local stone. The medieval village, the parish church and the Palazzo Busca Micheli are some of the main attractions of the village. The Palazzo Camozzi Vertova urban vineyard is an important green oasis within the metropolitan area. But the real pearl of Grumello del Monte is Grumello Castle, also known as Gonzaga Castle, an ancient fortress that dominates the valley below and that since the 19th century has been a wine estate where the famous Valcalepio DOC wine is produced.

Enjoy your ride!

Grumello Hills loop (5 km)

It is recommended to ride this loop in a counterclockwise direction to avoid the steep rise from Grumello to the Church of San Pantaleone.

Starting from the Church of the Holy Trinity, the route passes through the picturesque mediaeval village to the Mario Locati Museum and the Busca Micheli Palace. Then continues to the Grumello Castle and to the Calvario hill. Finally, it reaches the Church of San Pantaleone, an unmissable stop to enjoy the panorama of the Val Calepio vineyards, and then it descends among vineyards until it reaches the church of Santa Maria del Boldesico to get back to the main route.