Between Sarnico and Paratico, a system of hundreds of white and blue poles stick out of the waters of the lake. This is the ‘Pescaia’, an ancient fishing system (funnelshaped nets are supported by the poles to catch eels), used until a few decades ago.

We are near the lakefront and the Erbe Danzanti Park, an 8000sqm area with an industrial past. Until 1998, it was an area for barges and trains transporting steel products. Still visible today are the old rails, traces of industrial archaeology of the place, which was converted into a park, where herbs and flowers dance in the lake breeze. Here you can admire the permanent exhibition of stone sculptures called ‘Viale dei Volti’ (Avenue of Faces), from the Paratico Biennial Exhibition of Sandstone Art and Culture ’scolpire in Piazza’ (Sculpting in the square). You can find more of these sculptures at Oselanda Park and at the former train station.

Enjoy your ride!