The monastery of San Pietro in Lamosa is located on a rocky rise overlooking the Torbiere (peat bogs) and is the oldest Cluniac foundation on Lake Iseo. The structure contains rich pictorial decorations with fresco cycles ranging from the 11th to the 16th century. You can admire the medieval church and cloister, the Baroque-era Oratorio dei Disciplini and its important early 16th-century frescoes together with the majestic crucifix.

Provaglio d’Iseo is located at the foot of Mount Cognolo, near the Torbiere del Sebino. Its main attraction is the monastery of San Pietro in Lamosa, managed by the foundation of the same name, which organises exhibitions and cultural events. Also of interest are the ruins of the castle and the church of S. Rocco, the church of S. Antonio di Padova, the Badino and Bardellone farmsteads and the church of Madonna del Corno, overlooking the town.

Enjoy your ride!