Serio Park

The Serio Park was established in 1985 to protect the biodiversity of the river area between Bergamo and Cremona and covers an area of 7750 hectares. It develops following the north-south course of the river from Seriate to the confluence of the river in the Adda. To the north, the river has a wide riverbed with various branches. The central belt is characterised by fountains while to the south interesting wetlands survive: the ‘lanche’ and the ‘morte’. (

We are in the Serio Park area, a regional park of 7750 hectares. The river flows for 124 km from the Orobian Alps into the Adda river. Along the river course you can follow 5 historical-naturalistic itineraries to discover nature reserves, castles and traditional Lombard farmsteads.

Enjoy your ride!