The Romanesque church of San Salvatore is the oldest in the area. It was used over the centuries as a place of worship and as a lazaret. Restoration work has revealed the remains of an earlier building, possibly a Roman temple, and some pre-Romanesque stone tombs. The restoration also brought to light interesting frescoes from various periods.

The village of Tagliuno is dotted with several interesting churches. The pivotal point is the parish church of S. Pietro Apostolo. Built in the 17th century, it replaced the pre-existing Church of St. Lawrence. The church, with a single nave and six side chapels, began operating in 1621 and was consecrated to St Peter only in the 19th century. Not to be missed are the Church of San Rocco, the small country church of San Salvatore and the 17th century Church of the Madonna della Neve.

Enjoy your ride!